Sunday, December 31, 2017

Before Break

The week before winter break we finished up our unit on wood, paper, and fabric.  
On of the activities students had a chance to do was staining and washing a piece of fabric.

They started by putting both ketchup & mustard on their piece of muslin fabric.

Students then tried to rinse the stains out of their fabric in plain water.

When the stains didn't come out in plain water students used soap and scrub brushes to try and get the stains out.

Lastly students used soapy water to get the stains all the way out.

Another activity students did was to tie dye a piece of fabric.

We ended the week by exploring how water interacts with wood, paper, and fabric.  Students thoroughly enjoyed adding paper clips to different types of wood to try and get them to sink and float.

During literacy we read the book Owl Moon by Jane Yolen and practiced our visualization skills.

Image result for owl moon

Students did a great job creating pictures in their mind while listening and then drawing them.

We also spent the whole week doing lots of snowman activities.  We read the book The Biggest, Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler and then wrote step by step directions on how to build a snowman.

Image result for the biggest best snowman book

Students then created their own snowmen by using paint and collage materials.

On the last day before break we had a chance to play Bunco with our 6th grade buddies.  It was lots of fun.  Ms. McCormick made a short video of the fun!  Use the link below to check it out!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Recap of Our Week

This week started off with an assembly.  We had a chance to watch Native American dancers.  It was very interesting!

In science this week we've been learning all about wood, paper, and fabric.  We have been switching each day with Mrs. Showalter's class.  On Monday students were introduced to many different types of wood, paper, and fabric.  They had a chance to explore as well as compare & contrast.

On Tuesday we took apart materials.  In our classroom we took apart cardboard boxes.  In Mrs. Showalter's room students took apart pieces of fabric.

On Wednesday, students had a chance to make a small piece of plywood and did some weaving.

Thursday was a very fun day in science!  First students had a chance to make recycled paper.

Then they also got to make paper boxes with the help of some 6th grade volunteers.

During writing this week students enjoyed playing a baby picture guessing game and then creating a kindergarten timeline.  On Wednesday students brainstormed and then did their final writing projects on Thursday.  They did a great job!

Here's a few sample timelines...

Having fun at choice time on Friday! 😊

Here's a few photos of our current classroom displays for you to see!

Our self portraits...

Polar bear non-fiction writing projects...

Penguin Facts...

Apple projects....

Family traditions...

Students had a lot of fun sharing these with each other!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Two Week Update

The week before Thanksgiving break we had a chance to read the story Agate by Joy Morgan Dey.  We spent time talking about the lesson Agate the moose learned in the story that each and everyone of us is special!
Agate: What Good Is a Moose? | Lake Superior Magazine 

 Then students painted their own self-portraits with watercolors just like the ones in the book.

We also had a visit from a librarian from the Roseville Public Library.
She read a story to us and then shared about the special library card party coming up in January.  If you haven't done so already you can turn in your child's library card application ASAP!
We ended our short week by playing Learning Bingo with our 6th grade was lots of fun!
This past week we learned all about apples!  We started the week off exploring the different parts of an apple including: seed, skin, flesh, core, bottom, and stem.

We also did a taste test and then graphed which apple our class liked the best.
Later on in the week we brainstormed about apples by thinking about our five senses.
We also learned about floating and sinking and made a predication about whether we thought the apple would float or sink when put in the water.  We found out that apples float!
At the end of the week students used balance scales to find out which objects were heavier or lighter than an apple.

We also had a chance to learn what a tall tale is and read the story of Johnny Appleseed and sorted facts vs. fictions about him. Then students had a chance to draw and write about Johnny Appleseed on their own.
In math we've been practicing counting and writing numbers to 100.  On Friday students worked with a partner to put together 100 chart puzzles.