Monday, October 3, 2016

Write the Room, School Helpers, & Fire Safety

In literacy this week began Letter of the Week.  Each week for the rest of the year we will focus on a different letter each week.  This week our letter of the week was the letter M.  Students did many activities to practice recognizing, writing, and learning the sound of the letter M. 
One of the activities we did was Write the Room.  During this activity students searched the room for words that had a letter M in them.  They then recorded the words in their special Write the Room book.

Our literacy theme for this week was school and school helpers.  We spent the week learning about and visiting the people who help us when we're at school.  Throughout the course of the week students visited Mrs. Bidne our principal, Mrs. Matthews the school nurse, and Mr. Weber the school custodian.  Each school helper shared with the class about how they help students at school and the tools they use to do their jobs.  Students brought their special school helper books home with them on Friday.

On Friday morning we read our unit big book, Is This My Classroom?  After we read the book together as a class students had a chance to reread it with a partner.

After reading we went on a tour of the school.  We started by walking outside to see the front of our school and then headed inside to see all the different offices and classrooms.

A whole class photo out in front of the school!

We ended the week by learning all about fire safety.  We spent time learning about firefighters and the tools they use.  On Thursday students followed step-by-step directions to draw their own fire trucks.  On Friday we discussing fire prevention and having a fire safety plan at home.  A special handout came home in this past week's Wednesday folder all about fire safety.  The website below is a great resource for learning more about fire safety at home.

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