Saturday, April 21, 2018

This Week & the Minnesota Program

This week students have been working hard continuing to learn about the freshwater biomes of Minnesota.  On Monday we learned all about beavers.  Students worked to together in small groups to create beaver fact webs before painting their own beavers.

This group of students was very proud of their choice time creation!

On Thursday we had a new student join our class!  Students were very excited to meet him and have been very helpful and welcoming!

We ended the week with our Minnesota Program -- students did a great job performing for their 6th grade buddies on Thursday and friends and family on Friday!

Here's everyone rocking the Minnesota t-shirts they made themselves!

Ready to sing...

During the performance...

Here's a few videos from the performance...

"Welcome to the Biomes" Poem

"This Land is Your Land"

"I Am Wood"

Here's a link to all of the awesome research projects students completed in preparation for the Minnesota Program:

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I Am Poems

Last week we learned all about United States symbols.  We also read the book I Am America by Charles R. Smith Jr. and discussed the diversity of our country.

We then worked hard to write I Am poems.  Students brainstormed adjectives that described them, things that they hear and see on a regular basis, their favorite things to eat, special things that they wear, and things that they wish for.  They then wrote rough and final drafts before drawing self portraits.  Their poems and portraits turned out GREAT! 

This week we started learning about the freshwater habitats of Minnesota in preparation for our big Minnesota program.  Here students were sorting animals that live in a pond from animals that don't.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Spring Reader's Theatre

This week students presented their spring reader's theatre to the class -- they did a great job!